Both Python vs PHP are the most popular high-level programming language. PHP is traditionally used as a server-side scripting language, while Python is considered valuable for its dynamics, availability, and ingenuity. Despite their almost similar popularity among developers, these two languages have many specifications and differences.

What is Python?
Python is a high-level programming language that is used for general purposes. Guido van Rosum, a Dutch programmer, created Python in 1991 with a design philosophy of code readability with significant use of whitespace. It follows the object-oriented approach and allows programmers to write the code clean.
Python supports procedural and functional programming patterns. The garbage collection system in Python is quite straightforward with automatic memory management.
The latest version of Python is 3.7.3 which was released on March 25, 2019.
Why should you choose Python?
There are a few reasons to choose Python:
It’s easier to write and debug Python code than other language code. Therefore, maintaining your source code is relatively easy.
Python is a portable language, so it can run on a variety of operating systems and platforms.
It comes with many prebuilt libraries that easily complete your development work.
Python helps you simplify complex programming. As it internally relates to the memory address, garbage collection.
Python offers an interactive shell that helps you test things before real implementation.
It provides database interfaces for all major commercial DBMS systems.
Python supports GUI applications as a framework for the web. Examples: tkmter, WXPython, Django.
What is PHP?
Like Python, PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor is also a general-purpose programming language. However, it was originally designed as a web development language. Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP in 1994.
You can execute PHP with a command-line interface (CLI) that is embedded in HTML. In addition, you can go with a combination of different web template systems. Typically, a PHP interpreter uses code as a module on a web server. If we keep web-references separate, we can also use PHP for robot control drones and standalone graphical applications.
The latest version of PHP is 7.0 and was released on December 3, 2015.
Why should you select PHP?
The major reasons for selecting PHP are:
PHP runs on various platforms such as Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, etc.
PHP is almost compatible with Apaches, IIS server
It’s easy to learn how to run efficiently on the server-side
It is free to download from its official website.
Python vs PHP: what is common between them?
Python vs PHP has several common properties that make them popular:
Both languages are easier to learn than other languages.
Php and python are with comprehensive and detailed documentation;
Both languages are open source and can be updated and upgraded by users for the purpose of improvement;
Wide and friendly developer communities facilitate the learning and working process with PHP and Python;
Portability and versatility: Both languages have IDEs for all major operating systems.
Python vs PHP: The Basic Differences
Let’s see how both Python vs PHP differs from each other in terms of their code functions:
Defining variables in Python is a simple hack. If you want to define a variable and set value (1) for it, just mention in words (one). You can define variables as numbers in PHP.
Control Flow
In both languages,’ if’ and ‘Else’ are used as expressions for right and wrong.
Looping / Iterator
Python has different looping forms. ‘While’ is used for a true statement and ‘for’ is used for the false one, provided with a looping condition. PHP uses While, Do-While, For and Foreach Loops.
Python vs PHP: Key Differences
Python is a high-level object-oriented programming language that is used for faster application development, while PHP stands for Hypertext pre-processor used to develop a dynamic website or web application.
It is widely used in AI, data science and scientific community while PHP is the language of choice for web development.
Python has very few frameworks while PHP has several frameworks.
Python offers very clear and concise syntax of code while PHP has a wide range of naming conventions and syntax.
Python’s main features are rapid development, dynamic typing and beautiful code while the key features of PHP are open source, easy deployment, continuous improvement.
Python vs PHP: What to choose?
Even after comparing these two languages, choosing one is undoubtedly a difficult task because both PHP and Python are good in their own way. Python machine learning is the gateway to the code. PHP, on the other hand, is used for server-side scripting and web development.
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